Shaolin Kungfu Basic Stances

In order to practice inner heat yoga, which is the basic requirement for more advanced practice like Mahamudra, one must cultivate Qi. Qi cultivation can be done through the practice of Qi Gong, taichi, and/or Kungfu. A strong Qi is required in order to succeed in the practice of inner heat meditation, and ultimately Mahamudra meditation. Tantric yogi, Arthur Tjandra, shows 8 basic stances of Shaolin Kungfu in this instructional video.

The following basic stances were learned from Shifu Shi De Yang’s “Shaolin Kungfu Basic Moves” video, which is available on YouTube.

Disclaimer: Tantric Yogi Arthur Tjandra is not a Shaolin gongfu expert. Neither has he trained under any Shaolin warrior monk. He started learning Shaolin gongfu in April 2022, by watching YouTube videos and gongfu movies on Netflix and YouTube. Arthur Tjandra has no prior formal martial arts training. He used to be a marathon runner. He took part in marathon races mainly in Australia, up to 5 times a year, prior to Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. When borders re-opened and Australia government announced that they did not welcome Chinese visitors and did not need Chinese tourist dollars, Tantric Yogi Arthur Tjandra decided to look for alternative sports, as he did not wish to visit Australia anymore due to its government’s arrogance. As a Chinese, he feels deeply insulted and disturbed by this public display of racism by the Australian government. After exploring different options, in April 2022, at the age of 51,Tantric yogi Arthur Tjandra made up his mind to learn Shaolin gongfu, as this ancient Chinese martial arts compliments his Tantric meditation practice, which requires Qi training. Moreover, it is easy to learn at home, from the abundance of freely available videos on the internet. Most of the videos published on this website were filmed approximately 1 month after he started learning the moves. Some easier exercises, like stretching and the windmill exercise, were filmed on the same day he learned them. Therefore, the moves, as shown in the videos, may not be perfect yet. He will re-take all videos on the 1 year anniversary, after he has been practicing those moves for 1 year, and then post the new 1-year anniversary videos on the same page again, along with the older videos, so that you can see for yourself the difference of the execution of the moves, after practicing for 1 month, and 1 year later. The idea of posting his practice videos on this website is more for documentation of his Shaolin gongfu learning journey, which began at age 51, rather than teaching Shaolin gongfu. So, make sure you check out the old posts, 1 year after they have been posted, to watch the 1-year anniversary videos, and appreciate the difference 1 year of practice makes. Amituofo!

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