Blindfolded 金雞獨立 Jīnjīdúlì

This is a sequel to two earlier Jin Ji Du Li posts. To increase the difficulty level, Tantric Yogi Arthur Tjandra performs Jin Ji Du Li while being blind folded now.

金雞獨立 Jīnjīdúlì on a Balance Board

This is a sequel to an earlier Jin Ji Du Li post. To make the practice more difficult, Tantric Yogi Arthur Tjandra performs Jin Ji Du Li on a balance board now.

Shaolin Kungfu Basic Kicks Revisited – First Anniversary Video

Tantric Yogi Arthur Tjandra embarked on his Shaolin Kungfu self-learning journey by reading books and watching YouTube videos, in May 2022. This video is to commemorate the 1st anniversary of his Shaolin Kungfu learning journey. It is one month overdue, as he has been traveling and going on vacation. When he goes on vacation, instead … Continue reading Shaolin Kungfu Basic Kicks Revisited – First Anniversary Video

金鸡独立 The Golden Rooster Stance which predicts whether you are likely to live a long healthy life

金鸡独立 (Jīnjīdúlì) or Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg is an important stance in Chinese kungfu. It has been practiced by Chinese people for more than 5,000 years. This stance is also used heavily in karate. Like they said, “All martial arts under heaven arose out of Shaolin.” Shaolin kungfu, of course, is Chinese kungfu. 金鸡独立 is … Continue reading 金鸡独立 The Golden Rooster Stance which predicts whether you are likely to live a long healthy life

Shaolin Kungfu Basic Stances Revisited – One year practice anniversary

Tantric Yogi Arthur Tjandra started learning Shaolin Kungfu from videos he found on YouTube in late April 2022, and started filming and posting videos of his practice on this website. To commemorate the 1-year anniversary since her first started learning and practicing Shaolin Kungfu, Tantric Yogi Arthur Tjandra recorded the following videos of Shaolin Kungfu … Continue reading Shaolin Kungfu Basic Stances Revisited – One year practice anniversary